Rate limits

Information about the restrictions on the number of times a user or client can access Commerce Layer API endpoints within a specified period of time.

To protect our platform against API misuse or overuse and ensure the system is available for all our users we adopt a rate-limiting strategy, differentiated by environment (test or live), HTTP method, and types of resources involved.

IP addresses that exceed the following rates will be blocked until the frequency of the specific call drops below the allowed limit. Please note that the count on the number of requests is never reset: you must consider the time intervals as sliding time windows (that's why no X-Ratelimit-Reset header is included in the response).

If you're using Commerce Layer JS SDK to interact with our Core API you can leverage the SDK Utils library to execute several API calls to a resource endpoint in batch and make sure not to hit the current rate limits (see example).

Authentication endpoint

All the requests to the /oauth/token endpoint to get an access token to authenticate your API calls are never cached and are subject to stricter rate limits, regardless of the environment:

EnvironmentMax number of requestsTime window

Live, Test


1 min

Other endpoints

All the resources endpoint can be grouped into two main classes depending on whether they could be cached or not (cacheable or uncacheable). Two kinds of rate limits are applied to the IP with which you perform the calls to the /api/* endpoints:

  • Average — the number of requests is calculated considering the sum of the requests sent to all the resource endpoints of the specific class in the related time window (e.g. you cannot send 400 live reqs to the /api/bundles endpoint, 400 live reqs to the /api/skus endpoint, and 400 live reqs to the /api/prices endpoint, all within the same 1-min window — because it would result in a total of 1200 reqs / 1 min).

  • Burst — the number of requests is calculated on each single resource endpoint of the specific class (e.g. you can send 25 test reqs to the /api/addresses endpoint, 25 test reqs to the /api/orders endpoint, and 25 test reqs to the /api/line_items endpoint, all within the same 10-sec window)

Read requests

Read requests (performed via GET, HEAD, or OPTIONS HTTP methods) are subject to different rate limits based on the type of resource.


Please find below the list of cacheable resources. Read requests to the related endpoints are subject to the following rate limits:

EnvironmentLimit typeMax number of requestsTime window



1000 (to all endpoints)

1 min



500 (to all endpoints)

1 min



250 (per endpoint)

10 secs



125 (per endpoint)

10 secs

Cacheable resources list


Read requests to all other endpoints (not listed above) are subject to the following rate limits:

EnvironmentLimit typeMax number of requestsTime window



200 (to all endpoints)

1 min



100 (to all endpoints)

1 min



50 (per endpoint)

10 secs



25 (per endpoint)

10 secs

Write requests

Write requests (performed via POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE HTTP methods) to any endpoint (regardless of whether the related resource falls into the cacheable or uncacheable category) are subject to the following rate limits:

EnvironmentLimit typeMax number of requestsTime window



200 (to all endpoints)

1 min



100 (to all endpoints)

1 min



50 (per endpoint)

10 secs



25 (per endpoint)

10 secs

Response headers

You can get additional information you can use to avoid getting HTTP 429 Too many requests errors or to understand why your calls are being blocked by inspecting some specific headers included in the response:



The maximum number of requests allowed in the sliding time window.


The total duration of the sliding time window (in seconds).


The number of allowed requests remaining in the current time window (0 in case of HTTP 429 errors).

The information in the headers above (number of requests, time window duration, etc.) refers to the Average limit type only.

Last updated