External tax calculators
How to manage custom tax calculation via external services
Last updated
How to manage custom tax calculation via external services
Last updated
Commerce Layer supports automatic tax calculation thanks to the out-of-the-box integration with , , , and . Manual tax calculators can be also configured. On top of that, you also have the complete flexibility to implement any particular custom tax calculation logic building your own external tax calculator.
Whenever the tax calculation is fired, Commerce Layer triggers a POST
request to the tax_calculator_url
endpoint, sending the order payload (including its line items and their items) in the request body. To trigger the tax update, the order must be not archived and have the following attributes:
a valid shipping_address
or a valid billing_address
an external_tax_calculator
associated with the market in scope
a positive total_amount_cent
at least one SKU among its line item (gift cards are not taxed)
External taxes can be applied either to the whole order or to specific line items, depending on how granular your response is. If you need to pass tax values at the line item level and set tax breakdown attributes, you need to include in the response an array containing the line items you want to be affected by the tax update and specify each line item ID, as the payload passed in the request to your external calculator.
When designing your external tax calculator response, bear in mind that some values take precedence over other ones, according to the following logic.
If the tax_collectable
attribute is specified for a line item, its value is used to compute the tax_amount_cents
for the line item, no matter what's the value of the line item tax_rate
(if any).
The tax_collectable
attribute is a float
(e.g. "tax_collectable": 9.0
sets the line item tax_amount_cents
to 900).
If the tax_collectable
is missing for a line item, the line item tax_amount_cents
is computed using the line item tax_rate
If both the line item tax_collectable
and tax_rate
are missing, the line item tax_amount_cents
is computed using the tax_rate
specified at the data
level. If the line items array is missing, that tax rate is applied to the whole order.
The request payload is a JSON:API compliant object you can query to perform your own computation. Aside from the target resource — orders
in the specific case — some relationships are also included to avoid useless API roundtrips:
In case the call to your external endpoint goes timeout, responds with an internal server error, or is blocked by the open circuit breaker, the API keeps responding with a 200 OK
status code. No tax amount is updated on the order and the circuit breaker internal counter (if closed) is incremented.
Your service response (or error) must match the format described in the examples below.
The successful response must be a JSON object, returning at least the tax rate to be applied to the whole order. If needed, you can optionally enrich the response with some additional information, notification messages, and metadata:
The successful response must be a JSON object, returning at least the specific tax rate to be applied to the line items. If needed, you can optionally enrich the response with some additional information, notification messages, and metadata:
The successful response must be a JSON object, returning at least specific tax collectable and tax rate values to be applied to the line items, and some attributes you want to set in the line items tax breakdown. If needed, you can optionally enrich the response with some additional information, notification messages, and metadata:
If you specify the messages
key a notification with the related information is automatically attached to the associated order.
When you create a new external tax calculator, a shared secret is generated. We recommend verifying the callback authenticity by signing the payload with that shared secret and comparing the result with the callback signature header.