
How to get your access token, based on OAuth 2.0 grants

All API requests must be authenticated. To get authorized, you must include a valid access token in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer your-access-token

To get a valid access token you need to send a POST request to the following endpoint:

The payload to be sent with the request differs based on the kind of API credentials you want to use to authenticate and will be detailed case by case in the following sections.

Check our JS Auth, a TypeScript library wrapper that helps you use Commerce Layer API for authentication, providing also some useful helper methods (e.g. access token decoding and verification).

Authorization grant flows

To get an access token, you need to execute an authorization flow by using valid API credentials for the client.

The authorization flow depends on the grant type as described in the table below:

Grant type
Sales channel

Client credentials


Authorization code

Refresh token

JWT bearer

As a general rule, non-confidential (public) API credentials (e.g. sales channels) can authenticate (requesting and revoking access tokens, using refresh tokens) using just a client ID, without providing a client secret and can be safely used client-side. Confidential (private) API credentials (e.g. integrations, webapps) need a client secret to authenticate.

Access token expiry

For security reasons, access tokens expire after a default period of time. Your access token lifetime differs based on the kind of API credentials you're using:

API client
Default lifetime

4 hours

2 hours

2 hours

To avoid security issues, be careful not to set too long expiration dates for your access tokens.

Authorization scopes

For each of the above authorization flows you can restrict the scope to a specific market, store, and/or stock location.

The access token scope is a string that can be composed in two ways:

  • by ID{{resource_name}}:id:{{resource_id}}

    Where {{resource_name}} can be one of market, store, or stock_location, and {{resource_id}} is the id of the resource (e.g. market:id:xYZkjABcde, store:id:bGvCXzYgNB, stock_location:id:WLgbSXqyoZ).\

  • by code{{resource_name}}:code:{{resource_code}}

    Where {{resource_name}} can be one of market, store, or stock_location, and {{resource_code}} is the code of the resource (e.g. market:code:europe, store:code:outlet_ny, stock_location:code:eu_warehouse).

Putting a market in scope

By including a market scope in the access token request — market:id:xYZkjABcde — all the resources (e.g. SKUs, prices, stock items) you fetch are automatically filtered.

  "grant_type": "{{authorization_grant}}",
  "client_id": "{{your_client_id}}",
  "scope": "market:id:xYZkjABcde"

Sales channels require a market in scope when requesting their access tokens to perform the permitted CRUD actions. If the market in scope is associated with a customer group, it becomes private and can be accessed only by the customers belonging to the group — in that case, to get your token you must use the password flow.

Putting a store in scope

By including a store scope in the access token request — store:id:bGvCXzYgNB — all the resources (e.g. SKUs, prices) you fetch are automatically filtered by the market the store is associated with, orders are associated with the store in scope, and the returned available payment methods are the store's ones (if any, otherwise the associated market ones). When calculating the stock availability, the associated market stock locations hierarchy is extended by adding the store's stock location (if any) as the one with the highest priority and increasing by 1 the inventory model's stock locations cutoff value.

  "grant_type": "{{authorization_grant}}",
  "client_id": "{{your_client_id}}",
  "scope": "store:id:bGvCXzYgNB"

When putting a store in scope, there's no need to specify the associated market, which is inherited from the store itself. Only one store in scope is allowed, if you put multiple store in scope the API responds with a 400 Bad Request error code.

Putting a stock location in scope

By including a stock location scope in the access token request — stock_location:id:WLgbSXqyoZ — the stock is restricted to the SKUs available in that specific stock location.

  "grant_type": "{{authorization_grant}}",
  "client_id": "{{your_client_id}}",
  "scope": "market:id:xYZkjABcde stock_location:id:WLgbSXqyoZ"

When putting a stock location in scope, adding the associated market in the access token request is mandatory. If the market scope is missing or the stock location doesn't belong to the market in scope the API responds with a 400 Bad Request error code.

Last updated