Commerce Layer changelog for software updates, new features, and general improvements.

Enable full CRUD for carrier accounts API, and more 🌟

Core API

July 23, 2024

Added ability to unblock stuck transactions

Core API

July 9, 2024

Added ability to initiate a refund from a return, and more 🌟

Core API

July 4, 2024

Enabled custom reset password flow in v1.2.1


June 13, 2024

We added an optional parameter you can add when composing the Identity MFE URL to enable a custom reset password link visible on the login form page. If that parameter is set a Forgot password? link pointing to the specified URL will be shown on the right below the Password field.

Added tags to order subscriptions, and more

Core API

June 12, 2024

We introduced a bunch of minor (but still relevant) updates to our APIs:

Introduced toggle to support Adyen's native Drop-in customer payment sources, and more

Core API

June 10, 2024

  • Order validation rules — we deprecated and removed from the API reference the related endpoint. This could be a potential breaking change. ⚠️

Limited stored order errors, removed order expiration date, and more

Core API

June 6, 2024

We introduced a bunch of updates to our APIs — be advised that some of them could result in potential breaking changes ⚠️:

Our draft order cancellation policy still stands. Draft orders that aren't associated with a customer are automatically deleted after 2 months since the latest update.

New trigger attributes for orders, shipments, and more

Core API

May 31, 2024

We introduced a bunch of minor (but still relevant) updates to our APIs:

Bundles available in JS Drop-in v2.4.0

Micro frontends

May 30, 2024

The Add to cart and Price components of our JS Drop-in library now support bundles, meaning that, starting from v2.4.0, you can display prices of bundles (instead of just single SKUs) and add them to the shopping cart, as you can see from this demo. The list of the custom events dispatched by the library has also been updated accordingly.

To learn more and see our micro frontends in action, explore the interactive documentation. For any additional details or potential breaking changes, see the release notes.

New price list scheduler endpoint, and more 🌟

Core API

May 16, 2024

Disabled webhooks on imports, and more

Core API

May 14, 2024

Updated UI design and new features for our Dashboard


May 9, 2024

  • When you create a new organization with Commerce Layer, you now have the option to select which region you’d like your data to be stored.

  • You can now grant members partial access to specific apps (e.g. enabling them to manage orders belonging only to certain markets or shipments delivered only from certain stock locations).

Sign up or log in to see for yourself or read more on our blog!

Added the new Promotions, SKUs, SKU Lists, Price Lists, and Inventory apps to the dashboard hub 🚀


April 23, 2024

As part of our new Dashboard renovations, we’ve released a whole new set of apps related to promotions and product management. In detail:

  • Promotions — you can view active, upcoming, disabled, or all of your promotions by clicking any of the views, along with creating new promotions by type (external promotions included) or editing existing ones.

  • SKUs — you can manage (create, delete, edit, search, filter) your SKUs, along with adding their shipping info and options.

  • SKU Lists — you can create new SKU lists or edit existing ones by adding or removing SKU list items.

  • Price Lists — you can create new price lists or edit existing ones by adding prices, setting the currency, and determining whether taxes are included or not.

  • Inventory — this app enables you to set stock levels for SKUs in each of your stock locations by adding and removing stock items, or updating their quantity.

Click on the Hub tab and see it for yourself or read more on our blog!

Updated price tiers limit

Core API

April 19, 2024

Added order subscription renewal event, and more

Core API

April 16, 2024

Added trigger to validate stock item quantities, and more

Core API

April 9, 2024

Subscriptions available in JS Drop-in v2.3.0

Micro frontends

April 8, 2024

The Add to cart component of our JS Drop-in library now supports automatic subscriptions based on line item frequency. Starting from v2.3.0, we also took the opportunity to align the library with the recent changes to the authentication process using the new Auth API.

To learn more and see our micro frontends in action, explore the interactive documentation. For any additional details or potential breaking changes, see the release notes.

Started supporting organization config settings in v4.10.0


April 5, 2024

On top of that, we also added Hungarian to the list of supported languages.

Updated SSO with Next.js and Auth0 tutorial


March 27, 2024

New Auth API supported from v6.0.0 ⚠️🌟

JS Auth

March 26, 2024

Our JS Auth library is now aligned with the recent changes to the authentication process and uses the new Auth API. Be advised that v6.0.0 introduces potential breaking changes ⚠️ — in detail:

  • The JWT bearer flow is now supported (this feature is available for Enterprise users only).

  • We added a revoke method to revoke any previously generated access token.

  • We added a helper method to decode any kind of access token.

Check the release notes for more info.

Added possibility to export order subscriptions

Core API

March 22, 2024

Enabled full-text search on order's aggregated details 🌟

Metrics API

March 21, 2024

Introducing our new Authentication API 🚀

March 20, 2024

The main changes concern:

Added organization config

March 15, 2024

Added new subscriptions section in v1.4.1 🌟

My account

March 14, 2024

We've introduced the Subscriptions section where customers can see their subscription history and a detailed page for each subscription. If the subscription cannot be renewed (e.g. due to an expired payment method), the customer is presented with a link to place the order with a valid payment method, thereby updating the payment information for future transactions.

Added the possibility to amend an order subscription payment source in v4.7.0


March 13, 2024

We've introduced the ability to place a target order (created by an active order subscription) even when the payment source is missing or is no longer valid. Once the order is paid the new payment source will be saved in the customer’s wallet and the order subscription will be updated with the new payment source automatically.

Ensured non-editable attributes preservation during order placement, and more ⚠️

Core API

March 12, 2024

Introduced circuit breaker for all external resources, and more

Core API

March 7, 2024

Added option to not distribute gift card discount for tax calculation, and more

Core API

February 28, 2024

Asynchronous order placement and new resource errors endpoint 🌟

Core API

February 20, 2024

New split by line items inventory strategy 🌟

Core API

February 15, 2024

Enabled auto-place option for Stripe, and more

Core API

February 14, 2024

Cart express checkout buttons available in JS Drop-in v2.1.0

Micro frontends

February 7, 2024

The Cart component of our JS Drop-in library now supports express checkout buttons for both Apple Pay and Google Pay via Stripe. We improved also the Availability component by adding the rule prop that enables you to choose which delivery lead time to display (one of the cheapest or the fastest).

To learn more and see our micro frontends in action, explore the interactive documentation. For any additional details or potential breaking changes see the release notes.

New Provisioning plugin 🌟


February 1, 2024

v1.0.0 of our Provisioning CLI plugin is out! Now you can use Commerce Layer Provisioning API (performing all the available CRUD actions on all resources and more) directly from the command line. To learn more about the plugin commands and options, please refer to the open-source GitHub repo README.

TypeScript SDK for Provisioning API 🌟


January 31, 2024

We just released v1.0.0 of our Provisioning SDK, an open-source TypeScript library wrapper that makes it quick and easy to interact with Commerce Layer Provisioning API, both in browser and Node.js applications. The TypeScript SDK is built on top of the Provisioning OpenAPI schema, which you can use as well to to build mock servers, auto-generate code, SDKs for other languages, implement contract testing, and more.

Introducing our new Provisioning API 🚀

January 30, 2024

You can find the credentials to access the Provisioning API together with your account settings in the Dashboard.

Added the new Stock Transfers app to the dashboard hub 🚀


January 25, 2024

To learn more, read our blog here.

Added the editing feature to the Orders app


January 24, 2024

Added option to manually decrement stock after order approval

Core API

January 11, 2024

Last updated

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