Roles and permissions

How to set specific permitted actions for each resource

Commerce Layer supports a granular access control system on a resource level. Each access token gets a specific set of permissions. The client and the authorization flow determine your permitted actions for each resource.


Sales channel

Sales channels support client_credentials, password and refresh_token grant types. Given their limited permissions, they can be safely used in client-side applications.

Client credentials

Sales channels that authenticate through client_credentials get the following permissions.

For security reasons sales channels can read resource lists only for skus, sku_options, prices, promotions and bundles. Getting a list is not allowed for all the other resources. For example, a sales channel is authorized to get /api/orders/xYZkjABcde but not /api/orders endpoint.



Single resource only.


The kind of API credentials you're currently using.


Bundles associated with the market in scope, or (if no market is in scope) with the currency code of the price list in scope.


Customer subscriptions

Single resource only.

Delivery lead times

Delivery lead times associated with the shipping methods accessible by scope.


Single resource only.

Gift cards

If "draft" (single resource only).

Gift card recipients

Single resource only.

In-stock subscriptions

In-stock subscriptions associated with the market in scope.

Line items

Can be read if belonging to draft, pending or placed orders and updated/deleted if belonging to draft or pending orders (single resource only).

Line item options

Can be read if belonging line items associated with draft, pending or placed orders and updated/deleted if belonging to line items associated with draft or pending orders (single resource only).


Can be read if draft, pending or placed and updated if draft or pending (single resource only).


Your current organization.

Payment methods

Enabled payment methods associated with the market in scope, or (if no market is in scope) with the currency code of the price list in scope.

Payment sources

Can be read if belonging to draft, pending or placed orders and updated/deleted if belonging to draft or pending orders (single resource only).


Prices associated with the market price list.

Price tiers

Price tiers associated with the prices accessible by scope.


Active promotions associated with the market in scope, or (if no market is in scope) with the currency code of the price list in scope.

Promotion rules

Promotion rules associated with the promotions accessible by scope.


Can be read if belonging to draft, pending or placed orders and updated if belonging to draft or pending orders (single resource only).

Stock line items

Can be read if belonging to shipments associated with draft, pending, editing or placed orders (single resource only).

Shipping methods

Enabled shipping methods associated with the market in scope, or (if no market is in scope) with the currency code of the price list in scope. If stock location is specified, it's matched with the one in scope.

Shipping method tiers

Shipping method tiers associated with the shipping methods accessible by scope.


SKUs with stock items in the market inventory model (unless not tracked), a price in the market price list (unless external prices allowed).

SKU options

SKU options associated with the market in scope, or (if no market is in scope) with the currency code of the price list in scope.

SKU lists

Single resource only.

SKU list items

Single resource only.

Stock items

SKU items belonging to the stock locations associated with the market in scope.

Stock transfers

Can be read if belonging to shipments associated with draft, pending, editing or placed orders (single resource only).

Subscription models

Subscription models associated with the

market in scope.


Sales channels can authenticate a customer through the password flow. The access tokens that they get include the sum of the client permissions plus the ones below.



The customer must be the authenticated resource owner.

Customer addresses

The customer must be the authenticated resource owner.

Customer payment sources

The customer must be the authenticated resource owner.

Customer subscriptions

The customer must be the authenticated resource owner.

Line items

The line items must belong to one of the customer's orders.

Line item options

The line item options must belong to one of the line items associated with one of the customer's orders.


Can be deleted only if in editing status. The customer must be the authenticated resource owner.

Order subscriptions

The subscriptions must be associated with one of the customer's orders.

Order subscription items

The subscriptions items must be associated with one of the customer's subscriptions.


The parcels must belong to one of the customer's orders.

Parcel line items

The parcel line items must belong to one of the parcels associated with one of the customer's orders.


Can be created for one of the customer's order and updated if in draft status.

Return line items

The return line items must belong to one of the returns associated with one of customer's order.


The shipments must belong to one of the customer's orders.

SKU lists

The customer must be the authenticated resource owner.

SKU list items

The customer must be the authenticated owner of the associated SKU list.

Refresh token

An access token obtained through a refresh_token inherit the same set of permissions as the one that expired.


Integrations support the client_credentials grant type. The access tokens that they get include the set of permissions of their role.


Webapps support authorization_code and refresh_token grant types. They don't bring any grants to the access tokens and get the set of permissions of the authenticated user's role. Access tokens obtained through a refresh_token inherit the same set of permissions as the one that expired.

Last updated