Stock locations

The stock location object and the allowed CRUD operations on the related resource endpoint

Stock locations contain the inventory of the SKUs that are being sold in terms of stock items and their quantity. The stock location's address is the "From" address on the shipping labels.

The list of inventory stock locations determines the availability of SKUs that are being purchased. The list of inventory return locations determines the available options for returns.

Based on the selected inventory model strategy stock transfers might be created from a stock location (i.e. secondary) from another (i.e. primary).

You can optionally define a custom alphanumeric (not case-sensitive) code for your stock locations, provided that it's unique across the environment (it can contain underscore and hyphens, spaces are not allowed , the maximum length is 25 characters).

Data model

Check the related ER diagram and explore the flowchart that illustrates how the stock location resource relates to the other API entities.


Check the related guide to learn more about the available inventory model strategies, how they work, and how stock locations are involved in the process.

Last updated