Getting started
An overview of the Domain-Specific Language (DSL) used for defining rules and their respective conditions and actions within the Commerce Layer Rules Engine
Last updated
An overview of the Domain-Specific Language (DSL) used for defining rules and their respective conditions and actions within the Commerce Layer Rules Engine
Last updated
The Commerce Layer Rules Engine is a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) used for defining rules that can support from the simplest to the most complex logic. The rules can be evaluated against a specific payload to check if the requested conditions are met so that the respective actions will be applied.
The Rules Engine is currently integrated with Commerce Layer Core API to enable the creation and management of a super-flexible promotional system that covers a wide set of use cases.
The Rules Engine integration is currently enabled for a subset of resources: at the moment promotions and price lists are available (more to come).
When defining fields and selectors for the conditions and actions of a rule, use the dot notation to navigate the relationship tree down to the desired attribute or related resource of Commerce Layer Core API. For more information explore the data model and , or double-check the public resources schema.
Most of the examples and JSON snippets used in the following sections to illustrate how the Rules Engine works refer to order rules. You can easily use them as a reference to create price rules or other rules related to any possible future Rule Engine integrations.
The Rules Engine integration is still in beta and available only to our enterprise customers. If you're one of them and want to test and leverage its functionalities reach out to us and request to be part of the beta program.