Commerce Layer changelog for software updates, new features, and general improvements.

Added shipments field to the orders endpoint 🌟

Metrics API

December 21, 2023

Added code attribute for markets, price lists, shipping categories, and stock locations

Core API

December 20, 2023

Adyen Checkout API version updated to the latest

Core API

December 13, 2023

We’ve updated and improved our out-of-the-box integration with Adyen which now supports the latest version (v71) of their Checkout API by default.

Enabled order number editing for Enterprise plans

Core API

November 30, 2023

Added option to manually disable webhooks

Core API

November 29, 2023

Exposed and stored external price trigger

Core API

November 16, 2023

Added the new Returns app to the dashboard hub 🚀


November 15, 2023

To learn more, read our blog here.

Exposed compare at price on line items

Core API

November 7, 2023

Full shipments CRUD enabled 🚀

Core API

October 24, 2023

To get a high-level overview of how you can benefit from this upgrade, read our blog here.

Significant performance improvements in v4.2.0


October 20, 2023

We've implemented a solution that will result in another evident performance enhancement (in addition to the improvements recently achieved) in the opening phase of the Checkout. Now we perform two calls in parallel to validate the pair access token + order ID so that the Checkout can bootstrap. Organizations using Google Tag Manager will get an even bigger boost, eliminating two more calls to our order endpoint.

New payment options endpoint 🌟

Core API

October 5, 2023

Introducing Custom apps 🚀


October 4, 2023

We’re proud to announce the release of Custom apps, which allow you to build your own Dashboard experience, either by forking and editing our existing open-source Dashboard applications (Customers, Exports, Imports, Orders, Shipments, Tags, Webhooks — more to come!) to create the ideal workflow for your team or building new apps that meet your team's need using our App Elements React component library.

To learn more, read our blog here.

Significant performance improvements in v4.0.15


October 2, 2023

We've implemented a new logic that intelligently determines when to refresh the order, resulting in a notable performance enhancement when opening the Checkout. This solution eliminates the need to wait for a synchronous call, which was previously causing delays for other essential requests in the Checkout loading. Another crucial step in our ongoing commitment to refining our suite of micro frontends.

Promotions engine enhancements 🚀

Core API

September 28, 2023

We’ve just released a huge upgrade to our promotions engine. The changes and new features are many and you can find all the details on the related sections of the documentation. Among them:

… and more!

To get a high-level overview of how you can benefit from this upgrade, read our blog here.

Added support for payment methods enabled on Stripe dashboard in v4.0.14


September 14, 2023

3DS support enabled on subscriptions for Stripe credit cards

Core API

September 13, 2023

Added support for payment methods enabled on Stripe dashboard in v4.5.0

React components

September 12, 2023

With v4.5.0 we started supporting Apple Pay and Google Pay express checkout buttons together with all the payment methods enabled on your Stripe Dashboard. We also added new hooks (e.g. useCommerceLayer, useCustomerContainer) and improved existing ones (e.g. useOrderContainer) so that they can be used in addition to our components to get the best out of the package.

Filtering engine upgraded ⚠️

Core API

September 6, 2023

New versions endpoint 🌟

Core API

August 31, 2023

Added the new Tags app to the dashboard hub 🚀


August 29, 2023

New Tags plugin 🌟


August 24, 2023

Subscription frequency on order summary


August 23, 2023

Apple Pay and Google Pay via Stripe enabled on v3.2.1


August 22, 2023

Added the new Shipments app to the dashboard hub 🚀


August 10, 2023

To learn more, read our blog here.

Added the new Customers app to the dashboard hub 🚀


August 4, 2023

Micro frontend repositories renamed

Micro frontends

July 26, 2023

We've just renamed all our micro frontend repositories replacing the prefix commercelayer- with mfe-, so that now their names are consistent with the policy already in place for the Identity app. You can find the source code of all our hosted applications on GitHub: Checkout, Cart, Microstore, My account.

Added the new Orders app to the dashboard hub 🚀


July 12, 2023

New reserved stocks endpoint 🌟

Core API

July 11, 2023

New order editing feature 🌟

Core API

July 6, 2023

At the moment the order editing feature is available via API only, for orders that are placed after the release. It won't be available on the legacy admin area. It will be a second-stage enhancement of the upcoming Orders app that is going to be added to the Dashboard (stay tuned!).

Added ability to bypass exports and cleanups API limits using the CLI


July 5, 2023

My account and Identity MFEs in JS Drop-in v2.0.0

Micro frontends

June 15, 2023

Our JS Drop-in library now features two additional sets of web components:

  • The Identity MFEs let you manage user login status and link to the Commerce Layer-hosted Identity app.

  • The My account MFE renders a link to the Commerce Layer-hosted My account app which enables customers to manage their personal customer portal (orders, addresses, wallet, and more).

To learn more and see our micro frontends in action, explore the interactive documentation. For any additional details or potential breaking changes see the release notes.

Introducing our Identity application 🚀


June 14, 2023

We've released the first version of our Identity application which handles customer login and sign-up functionalities. As with all of our applications, a hosted version is available to use out-of-the-box, or the open-source repository can be forked and hosted on your end for any customizations you want to implement.

New Cleanups plugin 🌟


June 6, 2023

New stock reservations feature 🌟

Core API

June 5, 2023

New external shipping costs feature 🌟

Core API

May 17, 2023

New function that handles all the authorization flows in v4.0.0 ⚠️

JS Auth

May 16, 2023

Be advised that we introduced a potential breaking change ⚠️ by removing the client-oauth2 dependency from our JS Auth wrapper. The whole library has been rewritten and the old getSalesChannelToken, getCustomerToken, getIntegrationToken, authorizeWebapp, and getWebappToken functions replaced by a single new authentication function. You can check the updated code samples in the repo README.

New rate limiting policy ⚠️

Core API

May 8, 2023

Added the option to use the order’s subtotal amount for promotions and shipping methods

Core API

May 2, 2023

  • The value specified as the free over amount for the cost of a shipping method.

  • The value specified as the amount above which a promotion should be triggered.

In both cases, this way, existing discounts (if any) are excluded from the compared order’s amount.

New Tags API 🌟

Core API

April 19, 2023

To learn more, read our blog here.

JS SDK major updates in v5.0.0 ⚠️


April 3, 2023

We just released v5.0.0 of our JS SDK, introducing some new features and breaking changes ⚠️ mostly related to the latest OpenAPI schema update. Please find here below a summary of the most relevant ones — now:

  • Some fields (e.g. statuses) have a predefined set of allowed values.

  • Non-fetchable fields aren’t returned in the related object.

  • The control on the resource type has been reinforced.

  • You can use the new count() function when filtering every resource to get the total number of returned elements based on the filter that has been applied.

  • The overall code has been optimized to slightly reduce the package size.

… and more. Check the release notes and the open-source repo README for any additional information and examples.

New Exports plugin 🌟


March 28, 2023

Introducing our new subscription features 🌟

Core API

March 15, 2023

Check our data model and read our blog to get a high-level idea of how the whole process works and how these new features make it much easier to build out sophisticated subscriptions. Find any additional details in the API reference and follow this guide to learn how to set up automatic subscriptions on Commerce Layer..

Added read-only customer wallet in v1.1.0

My account

March 10, 2023

Now, when using our My account application, you can see the list of the authenticated customer's saved cards (if any). Just click on the related sidebar menu item to access the new section.

Nullable key and enumeration on resource statuses in v4.0.0 ⚠️

OpenAPI schema

March 7, 2023

We bumped our schema to the latest OpenAPI specification. Be advised that we introduced a potential breaking change ⚠️ by updating the server URL syntax for the organization slug since OAS v.3.1.0 does not support double curly brackets for variables anymore — {{your-organization-slug}} is now {your_organization_slug}. On top of that, we introduced the nullable key which is false if the related property is fetchable and required on creation, true if the related property is fetchable but not required on creation, and not present if the related property is not fetchable. We also added the enum key for the resources that have a status-like property (e.g. status, fulfillment_status, payment_status, etc.) so that all the available statuses are properly listed.

React 18 in v4.0.0 ⚠️


February 28, 2023

Be advised that we introduced a potential breaking change ⚠️ — Starting from v4.0.0 the Checkout application will adopt React 18 and the latest version of our React components library.

New FBT helper endpoint 🌟

Metrics API

February 24, 2023

New hub with imports, exports, and webhooks apps 🚀


February 20, 2023

In addition to this, we also added the search functionality when browsing your account organizations list.

Axerve integration and auto-capture feature for payments 🌟

Core API

February 20, 2023

  • Auto-capture — now, you can ensure payments are automatically captured as soon as they are authorized (for gateways that support it). If needed, you can specify a threshold for auto-capture so that it is enabled only for orders under a certain amount.

  • Delayed capture — now, you can override the default behavior of the API and decide to start fulfilling your orders even if they’re not captured yet, waiting to capture them when they’re ready to be shipped.

Increased SKU list items number for bundles

Core API

January 25, 2023

Adyen Payment API switch in v3.0.0 ⚠️


January 19, 2023

Adyen notifications enablement

Core API

January 19, 2023

We’ve updated and improved our out-of-the-box integration with Adyen which now supports the latest version (v68) of their Checkout API by default and lets you leverage their notification webhooks system (the only way to receive automatic updates about requests that are processed asynchronously).

Custom events dispatchment in v1.1.0

Micro frontends

January 18, 2023

Commerce Layer JS Drop-in library v1.1.0 now dispatches to the document object some custom events (when an item is added to the cart, and when a price or an SKU is fetched) that you can intercept to trigger specific actions on your side. To avoid the same event being fired too often a debouncing practice is also implemented.

External payment gateway components in v4.2.0

React components

January 12, 2023

External order validation

Core API

January 9, 2023

We’ve implemented a new custom validation process that enables you to apply additional validation rules on top of our standard validation. This can be useful when you want to support more complex validation rules specific to your business logic, such as market-specific quantities or SKUs.

Last updated

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