Shipping weight tiers

The shipping weight tier object and the allowed CRUD operations on the related resource endpoint

Shipping weight tiers let you segment the pricing of your shipping methods by defining different shipping method costs for specific intervals based on the weight of the associated shipment. The total weight of the shipment is automatically calculated from the single weights of the items included (i.e. the weight attribute of the SKUs to be shipped). For each tier the main attributes you need to specify are:

  • up_to — the tier's upper limit (in terms of weight, the unit_of_weight will be inherited from the shipping method).

  • price_amount_cents — the cost that will be charged for the shipping method if the total weight of the shipment is lower than (or equal to) the up_to limit.

If the up_to attribute is null the related tier will be considered a beyond tier, meaning that the specified shipping method cost will be charged for all the shipments whose total weight is greater than the maximum tier's upper limit. If no beyond tier is set the shipping method's price_mount_cents will be used as the beyond price.

A maximum of 5 weight tiers per shipping method are currently allowed.

Any weight tiers associated with a shipping method that is set as the default for one or more markets will be ignored (unless the default shipping method relies on external shipping cost calculation).

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