
The link object and the allowed CRUD operations on the related resource endpoint

Links can be associated with specific resources via the item attribute to easily generate a URL pointing to a production-ready micro frontend.

At the moment links are enabled for orders, SKUs, and SKU lists. Other resources (e.g. markets and more) are coming soon, together with a dedicated dashboard app that will help you generate links to our hosted MFEs in a snap.



Generate a link to directly checkout the linked order using our hosted checkout.


Generate a link to a single-product microstore website to directly sell the linked SKU using our hosted microstore.

SKU list

Generate a link to a microstore website to directly sell the SKUs in the linked SKU list using our hosted microstore.

Besides being used by our dashboard, links can be leveraged by any custom app, provided that you build the logic (e.g. using a lambda function) to make the generated URL work. To generate a link you need to give it a meaningful name and specify the client ID and scope of the related application. The default activation time window is 1 month starting from the time of creation, you can change it by setting the stars_at and expires_at attributes at your leisure. If you're using a custom app or need a specific format for the generated URL you can also change the second level domain by setting the domain attribute. Otherwise, the default will be used, pointing to our related hosted dashboard app.

Newly created links are enabled by default. You can disable them by passing the _disable trigger attribute and eventually re-enable them by passing the _enable trigger attribute. Disabled links are not working, even within their activation time window.

At the moment, links are maneageble using integration API credentials only.

Last updated