Promotion rules

The promotion rule object and the allowed CRUD operations on the related resource endpoint

Commerce Layer provides a promotional engine built on top of two main resources: promotions and promotion rules.

At the moment the following promotion rules are available (more to come):

The number of promotions associated with a coupon code promotion rule is unlimited. The number of promotions associated with any other promotion is subject to limitations: by default, only a maximum of 10 active promotions per organization is allowed, regardless of their type (this limit may vary depending on your plan). Please note that you can create and enable as many promotions as you want but, if more than 10 promotions are active at the same time, only the 10 that have higher priority will be applied.

With the exception of flex promotions (for which you're not required to define any promotion rule, set a currency code, or associate a specific market, but just provide a rule with specific conditions and actions), if one or more promotion rules are defined, the promotion is triggered only when it matches all of them. Otherwise, if no promotion rule is associated with an active promotion, the related discount is applied to:

  • All the orders, if the promotion is not restricted to a specific currency or market (only possible for buy X pay Y, free gift, free shipping, of percentage discount promotion types).

  • All the orders in the specified currency, if a currency code is specified but the promotion is not restricted to a specific market.

  • All the orders of the market in scope, if the promotion is attached to a market.

This is an immutable API, meaning that create, update, and delete operations are not allowed on this endpoint. You can only fetch a list of promotion rules or a single promotion rule object. For the full set of available CRUD actions to the specific promotion rule type endpoints.

Last updated