
The webhook object and the allowed CRUD operations on the related resource endpoint

Webhooks are used to send real-time events to external listeners and can be managed via API or using the related back-office app in the Apps section of the admin dashboard.

Newly created webhooks are enabled by default. You can disable them by passing the _disable trigger attribute and eventually re-enable them by passing the _enable trigger attribute.

When an enabled webhook is triggered, Commerce Layer sends a POST request to the webhook's callback_url and the related event callback is created. The request contains a JSON payload in the same format that you get when fetching the same resource through the REST API. For each resource, you can also configure the related resources that should be included in the request body (listed in the include_resources attribute).

The endpoint listening for webhooks has 5 seconds to respond with a 2xx (usually 200 ) response code, acknowledging a successful delivery. If the request times out or gets a response with a status code other than 2xx, it is considered failed.

Circuit breaker

Each webhook has a circuit_state breaker (closed by default) that can become open once the number of consecutive failures exceeds the specified threshold, in such case no further calls to the failing callback are made. You can check the number of consecutive failures recorded by the circuit breaker associated with a webhook by inspecting the circuit_failure_count attribute. The counter will be reset on the first successful call to the callback URL. You can force the circuit's reset (to the closed state and zero failures count) by updating the webhook with the trigger attribute _reset_circuit set to true.


Check the related guide for more info about real-time webhooks and the related events.

Last updated