Retrieve an organization
How to fetch a specific organization via API
To fetch a single organization, send a GET
request to the /api/organizations/:id
endpoint, where id
is the ID of the resource that you want to retrieve.
The following request fetches the organization identified by the id "xYZkjABcde":
curl -g -X GET \
'' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{your_access_token}}'
On success, the API responds with a 200 OK
status code, returning a single resource object:
"data": {
"id": "xYZkjABcde",
"type": "organizations",
"links": {
"self": ""
"attributes": {
"name": "The Blue Brand",
"slug": "the-blue-brand",
"domain": "",
"support_phone": "+01 30800857",
"support_email": "",
"logo_url": "",
"favicon_url": "",
"primary_color": "#C8984E",
"contrast_color": "#FFFFCC",
"gtm_id": "GTM-5FJXX6",
"gtm_id_test": "GTM-5FJXX7",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"can_switch_live": false,
"subscription_info": {
"plan_type": "growth",
"limits": {
"markets": 5,
"skus": 10000,
"organizations": 2,
"memberships": 5
"totals": {
"organizations": 1,
"markets": 0,
"memberships": 2,
"skus": 0
"config": {
"mfe": {
"language": "it-IT",
"default": {
"links": {
"cart": "",
"checkout": "",
"identity": "",
"microstore": "",
"my_account": ""
"checkout": {
"optional_billing_info": false,
"thankyou_page": "",
"billing_countries": [
"value": "ES",
"label": "Espana"
"value": "IT",
"label": "Italia"
"value": "US",
"label": "Unites States of America"
"shipping_countries": [
"value": "ES",
"label": "Espana"
"value": "IT",
"label": "Italia"
"value": "US",
"label": "Unites States of America"
"billing_states": {
"FR": [
"value": "PA",
"label": "Paris"
"value": "LY",
"label": "Lyon"
"value": "NI",
"label": "Nice"
"value": "MA",
"label": "Marseille"
"value": "BO",
"label": "Bordeaux"
"shipping_states": {
"FR": [
"value": "PA",
"label": "Paris"
"value": "LY",
"label": "Lyon"
"value": "NI",
"label": "Nice"
"value": "MA",
"label": "Marseille"
"value": "BO",
"label": "Bordeaux"
"default_country": "US"
"urls": {
"privacy": "",
"terms": ""
"market:id:ZKcv13rT": {
"links": {
"cart": ""
"checkout": {
"thankyou_page": ""
"api_auth_redirect": true,
"api_rules_engine": false,
"api_rules_engine_max_conditions_size": 150,
"api_rules_engine_max_rules_size": 15,
"api_new_auth": true,
"api_purge_single_resource": false,
"api_max_regex_length": 5000,
"addresses_phone_required": true,
"orders_autorefresh_cutoff_test": 50,
"orders_autorefresh_cutoff_live": 500,
"orders_number_editable_test": false,
"orders_number_editable_live": false,
"orders_number_as_reference": true,
"orders_invalid_coupon_errors": true,
"bundles_max_items_count": 10,
"coupons_min_code_length": 8,
"coupons_max_code_length": 40,
"gift_cards_min_code_length": 8,
"gift_cards_max_code_length": 40,
"cleanups_max_concurrent_count": 10,
"exports_max_concurrent_count": 10,
"imports_max_concurrent_count": 10,
"imports_purge_cache": true,
"imports_skip_errors": false,
"promotions_max_concurrent_count": 10,
"promotions_max_conditions_size": 150,
"promotions_max_rules_size": 15,
"price_lists_max_conditions_size": 150,
"price_lists_max_rules_size": 15,
"imports_trigger_webhooks": 0,
"discount_engines_enabled": false,
"discount_engines_errors": false,
"tags_max_name_length": 25,
"tags_max_allowed_number": 10,
"tax_calculators_errors": false,
"external_promotions_errors": false,
"created_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",
"updated_at": "2018-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",
"metadata": {
"foo": "bar"
"relationships": {
"memberships": {
"links": {
"self": "",
"related": ""
"roles": {
"links": {
"self": "",
"related": ""
"permissions": {
"links": {
"self": "",
"related": ""
"api_credentials": {
"links": {
"self": "",
"related": ""
Last updated