The organization object
A comprehensive list of the organization resource's attributes and relationships
An organization object is returned as part of the response body of each successful create, list, retrieve or update API call to the /api/organizations
Field | Type | Description |
| The organization unique identifier. |
links. |
| The organization endpoint URL. |
attributes. |
| The organization's internal name. |
attributes. |
| The organization's slug name. |
attributes. |
| The organization's domain. |
attributes. |
| The organization's configuration. |
attributes. |
| The organization's support phone. |
attributes. |
| The organization's support email. |
attributes. |
| The URL to the organization's logo. |
attributes. |
| The URL to the organization's favicon. |
attributes. |
| The organization's primary color. Format is HEX (starts with |
attributes. |
| The organization's contrast color. Format is HEX (starts with |
attributes. |
| The organization's Google Tag Manager ID. |
attributes. |
| The organization's Google Tag Manager ID for test. |
attributes. |
| Indicates if organization has discount disabled. |
attributes. |
| Indicates if organization has account disabled. |
attributes. |
| Indicates if organization has acceptance disabled. |
attributes. |
| The maximum number of active concurrent promotions allowed for your organization. |
attributes. |
| The maximum number of concurrent imports allowed for your organization. |
attributes. |
| The region where the organization it's located, default value it's |
attributes. |
| Indicates if the organization can switch to live mode. |
attributes. |
| Information about the current subscription such as the plan type, limits and subscription totals counter. |
attributes. |
| Time at which the resource was created. |
attributes. |
| Time at which the resource was last updated. |
attributes. |
| A string that you can use to add any external identifier to the resource. This can be useful for integrating the resource to an external system, like an ERP, a marketing tool, a CRM, or whatever. |
attributes. |
| Any identifier of the third party system that defines the reference code. |
attributes. |
| Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to the resource. This can be useful for storing additional information about the resource in a structured format. |
relationships. |
| The memberships associated to the organization. |
relationships. |
| The roles associated to the organization. |
relationships. |
| The permissions associated to the organization. |
relationships. |
| The API credentials associated to the organization. |
Last updated