Date breakdown

A comprehensive list of the date breakdown query keys, allowed fields values, and operators for the order resource

To perform a date breakdown query on the order resource send a POST request to the /orders/date_breakdown endpoint specifying in the payload the query keys and filter parameters like in the generic example below:

  "date_breakdown": {
    "by": "...",
    "field": "...",
    "operator": "...",
    "interval": "...",
    "breakdown": {
      "by": "...",
      "field": "...",
      "operator": "...",
      "condition": { ... },
      "sort": "...",
      "limit": ...,
      "breakdown": {
        "by": "...",
        "field": "...",
        "operator": "...",
        "condition": { ... },
        "sort": "...",
        "limit": ...
  "filter": { ... }

Please find more information on how date breakdown queries work here.

Query keys

These are the keys you need to set when performing a date breakdown query:

by values

These are the valid values you can specify for the by key of the date breakdown query:

Operators and field values

These are the valid values you can specify for the field key of the date breakdown query and the related valid operators, based on that key:

Last updated